Jul 13, 2011

one hundred & fifteen.

Just like with everything you do,

Practice Makes Perfect.

Same goes for doing your make up.

Even though I'm telling you all the tips & tricks I can think of, it doesn't mean you are going to nail everything you try first go.

So try & try again & I promise it will become second nature to you.

That's when you can smile because you've nailed it


  1. Hi!
    I love your blog, the tips are great.
    Just wondering if you would post a Fake Tan tip or tutorial thing, i noticed you said in an earlier post that you use Fake Tan and just wondering what brand/type you use and if you use it every week!
    you're tips are helpful and i would love one on this if possible!

  2. THANK YOU! that is so lovely of you to say! absolutely, i was planning a little tanning post anyway! will get that up for you asap! x
